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<A device which helps to mating pair of devices, often a plug and a socket) for connecting together two wires, cables, or hoses, allowing electricity or fluid to flow but also allowing easy disconnection and reconnection when necessary is know as connector. electronic connector is an electro-mechanical device whosue purpose is to quickly and easily disconnect or interrupt a circuit path. Connectors come in a variety of sizes, shapes, complexities and quality levels. Their function dictates their design and different features are added to adjust the ease of connection, mating type, durability, insulation between pins, etc. In addition, because many connectors must perform their job in rugged conditions, their construction is often adjusted to provide protection from vibrations, extreme temperatures, dirt, water, contaminants, and more. Types of Connectors are÷ Blind mate connectors ensure that even when your line of sight to the mating connector is limited or when physical access t

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